December 3, 2024 4:00 - 6:00 pm ET
Rosca de Reyes, que significa corona de rey, es un pan tradicional enriquecido que tiene un profundo simbolismo en la tradición latina. Se sirve para la Epifanía, el 6 de enero, pero se disfruta durante toda la temporada navideña.
Se elabora con una masa dulce decorada con pasta de azúcar y una variedad de frutas confitadas para simbolizar las joyas. Una figura de bebé está escondida dentro de la masa solo para ser descubierta por la persona que tiene el honor de organizar una tamaleada (fiesta de tamales), el 2 de febrero (Día del Candelero).
La masa mantecosa de Rosca de Reyes, parecida a un brioche, contiene ricos componentes lácteos, realzados con agua de azahar.
Al final de esta clase, los estudiantes:
Comprender el método de mezcla adecuado de masas enriquecidas estilo brioche.
Aprende a modernizar sabores e inclusiones de una masa tradicional.
Aplique las mejores prácticas para fermentar, darle forma, hornear y decorar este icónico pan navideño.
Rosca de Reyes, meaning king’s crown or king’s wreath, is a traditional enriched bread that has deep symbolisms in Latin tradition. It is served for Epiphany, January 6th, but enjoyed throughout the holiday season.
It’s made using a sweet dough decorated with sugar paste and a variety of candied fruits to symbolize jewels. A baby figurine is hidden within the dough only to be discovered by the person who has the honor to host a tamaleada (tamale party), on February 2nd (Candleman’s Day).
The buttery Brioche-like, Rosca de Reyes dough contains rich dairy components, enhanced by orange blossom water.
By the end of this class, students will:
Understand proper mixing method of brioche-style, enriched doughs.
Learn how to modernize flavors and inclusions of a traditional dough.
Apply best practices to fermenting, shaping, baking, and garnishing this iconic holiday bread.
Alex Peña was born and raised in the Los Angeles area where his family owned and operated LaMorenita Tortilleria & Bakery for twenty years. He is a French culinary trained chef with a background in Pan Mexicano who has always been inspired by pan dulce and the evolution behind the iconic breads.
Currently, Alex is the Director of Research & Development and Technical Services for Bellarisein Pasadena, California. As a global leader in bakery ingredients, his perspective on the bakery industry has come full circle. Additionally, he operates a beautiful cooking school designed for home bakers who would like to expand their skills.

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